The term Internet meme is a neologism used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the InterneThe Anchoress has passed on this meme from Happy Catholic.
-- wikipedia
include up to 3 answers each if you like. We won’t tell. If you’re religious, consider The Bible or other religious texts a gimme, particularly for question #15.1. Most treasured childhood book(s)?
The Last Planet by Andre Norton(The first real book I ever read)
A Wrinkle in Time
Have Spacesuit Will Travel.
2. Classic(s) you are embarrassed to admit you’ve never read?
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Brothers Karamazov
3. Classics you read, but hated?
Wuthering Heights
The Lord of the Flies
4. Favorite genre(s)?
Science Fiction
5. Favorite light reading?
Andre Norton
Harry Potter
Arthur Conan Doyle
6. Favorite heavy reading?
G.K. Chesterton
Joseph Ratzinger
7. Last book(s) you finished?
Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
8. Last book(s) you bailed on?
9. Three (only three!) books on your nightstand?
Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
Christian Prayer:The Liturgy of the Hours
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
10. Book(s) you’ve read more than once, twice or three times?
The Lord of the Rings
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
11. The book(s) that meant the most to you when you were younger (ie, college/young adult)?
The Lord of the Rings
Camelot by T.H. White
12. Book(s) that changed the way you looked at life?
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours
Rome Sweet Rome: Our Journey to Catholicism
13. Book(s) some would be surprised to know you’ve read
Remo Williams, the Destroyer
14. Book(s) You Mean to Read this Year
The Last Lecture
15. Desert Island Book
The Lord of the Rings
Desert Island Book for Your Worst Enemy
V by Thomas Pynchon (because I'm not a good enough Christian to want my Worst Enemy to enjoy his reading time on a desert island.)